Another sunrise...He doesnt always speak with audible words or handwriting on the wall...sometimes he just lets the sun peak over the horizon, a silent symbol that He is still on the throne...

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I feel the ties breaking. The bands are stretching and sometimes I dont know how much longer they will hold. I dont know how much longer I can keep my grasp. They're slipping away. But I try, I always try. I never give up. I hold on. I carry. I reach and stretch as far as I can. I refuse to let myself believe that sometimes the strings that hold hearts together aren't meant to reach that far.In my head I know that people are supposed to come in and out of our lives. My logic tells me that we should cherish memories and let them go. My experience says, "be grateful and move on." But my heart doesn't always understand and my hands have become accustomed to the strings that wrap around each finger, reminding me to never forget. I decieve myself. It's not healthy. But the thought of loosening each string...I am not ready for that yet.

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