Another sunrise...He doesnt always speak with audible words or handwriting on the wall...sometimes he just lets the sun peak over the horizon, a silent symbol that He is still on the throne...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The past week

Dear Blogger World,
It has been awhile since I have entered your realm. There have been a lot of good things since I last updated the world wide web of strangers about my life. We had another snow day and I got to watch Hello Dolly with some good friends. It was lovely. We have been working on our children's show and are getting ready to perform it here in a few days. I went to work with a youth group and was convicted. I realized that I don't hate sin. I don't despise it like God does. I am used to it, I barely notice it, and it is sad when I shrug my shoulders at things that are an abomination to God.

I guess that is pretty much the shortened version of my for today.

Today has been a wierd day. I didnt get much sleep last night. I was up late watching "cake-off" and doing homework. I accidently knocked a whole row of books off the shelf at the library, that was sad. I have been stressed about homework, due to my own lack of motivation to get things done. I thought I failed a test because I didnt study, but luckily I didn't. But all of those things are typical in the life of a college student. (Except for maybe the library book thing, but give me a break, I am clumsy:)) What really got to me today was just the sudden rush of "missing." I have been really nostalgic today and really homesick- Just not for home. I have been "whatusedtobesick." Sometimes we fall into those days. I just really missed some people of my past, many of whom are still a very big part of my present, just not in the way they used to be. Change is part of life and with that comes the longing for what once was. Not only that, but sometimes I get ahead of myself. I find myself missing things that I haven't actually lost yet. I think about the future and realize that it is only a matter of time and that depresses me. Instead of cherishing the time I have, I live in the fear and sadness that comes with the knowledge that I will eventually lose it. I pray that God will teach me to live in the moments that He gives me...because these are great moments...I don't want to miss them.

"We are reaching for the future,
We are reaching for the past,
no matter what we have we reach for more,
We are desperate to discover,
what is just beyond our grasp,
But I guess that is what heaven is for."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Diary,

wow what a day. I broke my backspace button off my computer today. Thats kind of depressing. I mean, as if we dont already have enough pressure to be perfect, let's take away the backspace...oh well.

We had play practice today. It was fun. I sat underneath of a piano. I wore a crown. Ashton still wont let me have a sword. She is bound to relent eventually...I will keep persisting.

I like it how taking time in the middle of a busy day to kneel down beside your bed and have a heart to heart with the King of the universe can drastically change your mood.

It is pathetic how even though I know the ending of a sad book, I still get depressed when I actually read what happens.

I think I broke my hurts from when I fell on it. Maybe I should lose weight...OR just get a stronger toe.

I love vanilla pudding.

Tonight, I realized that I messed up in a situation. I hate slaps in the face, but they do wake you up.

Weathermen are decieving.

....and that was my day...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kodak moments

Every day has with it certain moments, certain images that are captured. You replay these over and over in your mind. It's sort of like a camera. You have these great snapshots of your life, and even though your the only person who can really see them, they become Kodak moments. Let me share a few of them with you today:

-I am accident prone, have no traction on my boots (or heels...or any shoes for that matter), and managed to be on a lot of snow covered sidewalks. I fell four times. Once while trying to throw a snowball(the snowball never actually reached anyone, though one hit me.,.in the face), one took me and a friend on a tumble down a snow packed hill (ironically, the same one mentioned in a previous post). The third one happened going up the stairs. The last one happened going down the stairs. I am sore, but these mental pictures make me chuckle inside.

-I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwhich with a friend. She shared her tuna . It was good bonding.

-I went to play practice and watched as a good friend slammed her head in the wall trying to avoid my slap. That was funny.

-I drove to walmart, the bank, and mcdonalds on pure was a scary adventure, but fun, especially when you are surrounded by good friends.

What does your film for the day look like?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I love this holiday. People surrounding a telivision set laughing at commericals and screaming at fumbles, consuming more food that previously thought humanly possible, and sharing a small confined space with fifty of your closest friends. I love Superbowl Sunday. It is a beautiful thing.

Lesson learned of the day: 1. heels do not have good traction on ice.

Me and my director walked down an icy hill to retrieve props this morning before a performance. We had some very close calls. She carried the ladder, while I carried a suitcase full of our public relations material. An mental image popped into my head. (isn't that statement a bit redundant...I mean a mental image would naturally be in your head...Regardless...) I picture Sabrina slipping and getting knocked out with the ladder, then procedding to roll down the snow covered hill. Of course I try to rescue her, only to follow her example, due to my deadly heels. Both of us wind up at the bottome of the hill unconscious, surrounded by blowing flyers and leaflets, an open suitcase, and the ladder lying on top of the hill. There we would stay till the rest of the team finally got bored of waiting in the van. So, that really didn't happen, but if it did, I am pretty sure we would make millions on America's funniest home videos. If nothing else, just picturing the scene made us both laugh.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The first blog...

So this is not quite as scary as I imagined it would be. My first blog. My thoughts out on the world wide web. It's actually kind of freeing. I am not being judged on punctuation. I am not getting critiqued on content or proper writing ediquette. Watch as I end this sentence with a question mark? Watch as I give this sentence two periods.. See, I can do that because this is my domain.

Let's get some things straight Mr. Blogger site. I can't promise to always be entertaining. I will not always have something wise to say. I may not have anything to say at all. My grammar may be poor, my spelling may be worse, and somedays, I may forget that I even have a blog...

But I WILL write. And maybe we can learn to experiences some of these sunrises together.